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How To Write A Lesson Plan

10 Steps To Develop A Quality Lesson Plan:

1. The first thing to consider, obviously, is what you want to teach.

2. To make sure your lesson plan will teach exactly what you want it to; you need to develop clear and specific objectives.

3. You would probably find out exactly what materials you are going to use later, but they should be shown early in your lesson plan.

4. You may also want to write an Anticipatory Set, which would be a way to lead into the lesson plan and develop the students' interest in learning what is about to be taught.

5. Now you need to write the step-by-step procedures that will be performed to reach the objectives.

6. After the procedures have been completed, you may want to provide time for independent practice.

7. Just before moving on to the assessment phase you should have some sort of closure for the lesson plan.

8. Now you want to write your assessment / evaluation.

9. Adaptations should also be made for students with learning disabilities and extensions for others.

10. It's also a good idea to include a "Connections" section, which shows how the lesson plan could be integrated with other subjects.

Sumber: blog'e Bu Yo
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