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Story Telling "Kabayan and Two wishes"

Hello guys :D
berhubung materi bahasa inggris akhir-akhir ini adalah story telling,
aku bakal kasih cerita contoh nih buat kalian.
bisa dipake juga kok :D
let's read!

Kabayan And Two Wishes

Si Kabayan and his wife wnt to Mount Gede to pray for God things. They wanted to become rich! one day while they were praying, a God came to them. The God said "I will give you two wishes. you must discuss your wishes with your wife"

Si Kabayan and his wife talked about the two wishes. Si Kabayan hoped to be rich, but his wife thought that a lot rich would be more useful. They dissagreeed and finally si Kabayan was so annoyed ht he said "I wish the God would change you into a MONKEY!"

His wish was granted and he saw his wife become a monkey. Si KAbayan knew he had made a mistake. He wished to have his wife back again. Immediately, his wife stood before him. He smiled.

Si Kabayan's two wishes were gone and so he and his wife remained poor all their life.

semoga bermanfaat yaa :D
Category: 3 komentar

3 komentar:

Commander Spenzaga said...

baris pertama di kata 'wnt" itu kurang huruf A. maaf yaa ^^

keep enjoy :D
jangan lupa comment atau klik FOLLOW

kalo ngga?
LO GUE END :D hahahah

HildaTaySwift13 said...

tuk story telling blh?

Commander Spenzaga said...

boleh kok
kan aku cuma berbagi, bukan bermaksud menggurui ^^
lagian saya sudah maju ._. hehe


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